12 Juni 2022-June: Talk for AIMCAL at Aimplas, Valencia, ES
Keynote Talk "Printed Electronics a part of Everydays Life" at R2R Europe of AIMCAL in Valencia, ES ...
Keynote Talk "Printed Electronics a part of Everydays Life" at R2R Europe of AIMCAL in Valencia, ES ...
MSWtech will be exhibiting at LOPEC 2022 at Booth B0.113 Topics will be Smart PATCH project TSPATCH NFC LED Smart Book ...
General Chair at online LOPEC 2021 March 23rd Opening with Messe Munich's, Falk Senger (picture courtesy of Messe München/LOPEC ...
LOPEC 2021 will take place online due to the expected continuing worldwide travel restrictions. The central element will be the LOPEC Conference supplemented by a virtual marketplace for exhibitors. With LOPEC Onlineit is possible to ensure an international industry meeting in March 2021....
MSW will speak at MKVS Meeting in Munich at Tuesday Oct 27th courtesy MKVS about "3D Functionality – Printed Electronics Enables New Dimensions and Applications" ...
Forum 3D-Gedruckte Elektronik 07. Oktober | Vogel Convention Center Würzburg Keynote: Electronics goes 3D – From Printed electronics to 3D structural electronics Referent: Wolfgang Mildner | msw tech / LOPEC Chair...
Novotel Hotel Muenchen Messe Munich, Germany 12-13 November, 2019 IPC E-Textiles Europe 2019 will be a technical education workshop for innovators, technologists and brands to learn about the latest innovations, designs and manufacturing concepts as well as to collaborate on solutions and identify partners. IPC E-Textiles Europe 2019...
Wolfgang Mildner will give a talk at the ICFPE 2019 in Taipeh Electronics goes 3D is the title of the talk of his talk in the OE-A session at thursday program ...
2. Fachtagung Gedruckte Elektronik für Mobility und Life Science Technologie und Anwendung: Überblick und Einführung Einsatz im Automobilbereich Einsatz in Gesundheit und Sport Ausblick und weitere Entwicklung Dünn - Flexibel - Leichtgewichtig Mit diesen Attributen wird gedruckte Elektronik erfolgreich in verschiedenen Anwendungsfeldern eingesetzt. Die Fachtagung wendet sich gezielt mit zwei Schwerpunkten “Automobil” und “Gesundheit/Sport”...
#LOPEC2019 breaks all records: >2,700 participants from 44 countries, >200 presentations & 163 exhibitors! #PrintedElectronics is conquering numerous application sectors @LOPECMunich | Save the date: #LOPEC2020 24-26 March | https://bit.ly/2CBKiFn Key trends enabled by printed electronics were adressed, like - 3D structural electronics - thin and flexible electronics...